The Hindu Makkal Katchi’s Secretary Kannan has requested the Nadigar Sangam President Sarath Kumar to consider banning Divya from acting in Tamil films. According to Mr. Kannan, Divya, a Kannadiga, did not participate in the fasting organized by the Tamil film artistes, directors and producers on the Hogenakkal issue. On the contrary, she was present in
thefasting held in Karnataka condemning the Tamils on the same issue.
He added that the actress did not offer any explanation for her speech made during this fast. Kannan insisted that the Nadigar Sangam seek an explanation from her and until then her films should not be screened in Tamil Nadu. With this issue cropping up Vaaranam Aayiram may face some problems during its release.
thefasting held in Karnataka condemning the Tamils on the same issue.
He added that the actress did not offer any explanation for her speech made during this fast. Kannan insisted that the Nadigar Sangam seek an explanation from her and until then her films should not be screened in Tamil Nadu. With this issue cropping up Vaaranam Aayiram may face some problems during its release.
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