Dindukal Sarathi, as know to everyone, a film that introduces comedian Karunaas in lead role. A remake of Malayalam film starring Srinivas and Meena in lead role was a sensational hit in Mollywood. With the same hopes, the entire team is geared up for this project produced as joint venture of Dream Towers and Air Media Bhaskar. With Sivasanmughan directing the film Karunaas and Karthika take on lead roles.
With shooting for the film being completed, a song in this film ‘Thindukallukku Thindukkal’ has remixed. As in Bollywood film, where a hit song in the film is remixed and made with the album kind of style has inspired our technicians too.
Both of the producers of this film have remixed this song and shooting was held at AVM Studios. Famous ad filmmakers JD-Jerry who made films like ‘Ullasam’ and ‘Whistle’ shot the entire song with Milan decorating sets and Thiru cranking camera with ‘Teen Red’ equipment. Karunaas appears in 6 different get-ups and the song features his wife Pooja Bharathy, Blaaze, Grace, Balajee and 100 Mumbai models…
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