Yogi’s Marmam

Although Ameer is granted bail in the case filed against him for provocative speech against the Sri Lankan government, he is still required to stay in Madurai until further court orders. Also, the judge has ordered him to report and sign in the court as long as the case was relooked into. For this reason, Ameer is temporarily stationed in Madurai.

Meanwhile, Yogi which was nearing completion is put on hold due to non-availability of Ameer. With only 20 days left to be shot, the project is in doldrums with no solutions for completion in the near future. Besides, Yogi is completely shot in Chennai and hence holding the remaining shooting in Madurai is not a possibility owing to continuity issues. It is, however, believed that Ameer’s case will be relooked into and a decision arrived at soon.
Ameer’s plan to shoot Jeyam Ravi for Kannabiran is also under hold owing to this crisis.

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