There is news that Bhavana will pair with Vijay in the film titled Pagalavan. Vijay is currently acting in Velayudham and Nanban. Seeman who had earlier directed in films like Panchalakuruchi, Iniyavale, Thambi and Valthukkal is now directing a film titled Pagalavan after a long gap.
The shooting of this film should have commenced last year itself. But Seeman was arrested for his alleged inflammatory speech at meeting in Chennai. After coming out of prison, Seeman met Vijay and spoke about Pagalavan. Vijay also agreed. But because of the assembly elections, the shooting of the film was once again postponed.
Now after completing all his work, Seeman has started his work connected with Pagalavan. Seeman is now busy in selecting the cast and crew for this film. There are two heroines in Pagalavan. Seeman has selected Bhavana as one of the heroine. Seeman has selected Bhavana because she has already acted in his film Valthukkal. Hansika Motwani is another heroine of this film. Now Vijay is currently busy in the final stage shooting of Velayudham. He is also acting in the film Nanban directed by Shankar. After completing these films, Vijay will act in Pagalavan. It is also important to note that Vijay is for the first time acting in Seeman’s film.
The shooting of this film should have commenced last year itself. But Seeman was arrested for his alleged inflammatory speech at meeting in Chennai. After coming out of prison, Seeman met Vijay and spoke about Pagalavan. Vijay also agreed. But because of the assembly elections, the shooting of the film was once again postponed.
Now after completing all his work, Seeman has started his work connected with Pagalavan. Seeman is now busy in selecting the cast and crew for this film. There are two heroines in Pagalavan. Seeman has selected Bhavana as one of the heroine. Seeman has selected Bhavana because she has already acted in his film Valthukkal. Hansika Motwani is another heroine of this film. Now Vijay is currently busy in the final stage shooting of Velayudham. He is also acting in the film Nanban directed by Shankar. After completing these films, Vijay will act in Pagalavan. It is also important to note that Vijay is for the first time acting in Seeman’s film.
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