Silambarasan’s ‘Podaa Podi’ is getting bigger with each day. The Kollywood grapevine is now abuzz that this movie that assures to be an energy-packed romantic comedy also has Padma Shri winner Shobana playing a pivotal role.
After a long hiatus Shobana will make an appearance in Kollywood through this Simbu starrer. Sources also say that, she plays what she’s best at, a dance guru of the female lead, that is to say, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in this movie. It is said there will be important scenes that have Shobana dancing and that is one of the reasons, the yesteryear heartthrob accepted to do the film.
The last few scenes of the movie are now being shot at Pondicherry followed by a song sequence that will be shot at Spain, with which the movie will be complete.
We need not even mention of how good a dancer Simbu is; with all the buzz about the movie being a musical entertainer, it is only creating much hype. The movie will hit the screens this August. Looks like ‘Podaa Podi’ will sure live up to its tag line ‘the danda naka couple,’ and get us all onto our feet.
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