A. R. Rahman: Return of the native

Just months after Vishwanathan Anand touched down at the Chennai Airport after being crowned world number one in Chess to a tremendous reception, it was now the turn of Golden Globe winner A. R. Rahman to be welcomed home with a rousing reception.
The timing could not have been better….it is the Pongal season and a spectacular display of traditional drums amalgamated with cheerful fans made it a very special homecoming for the incredibly talented A. R. Rahman. What's more….the fans could not have enough of Rahman….they actually formed an entourage all the way to his house.
An elated fan said, 'Rahman has won the Golden Globe. I have no doubt he is going to win the Oscar for 'Slumdog Millionaire''.
'Slumdog Millionaire' was directed by Briton Danny Boyle and won four Golden Globes (Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Director and of course Best Original Music).
'Slumdog Millionaire' is the cinematic adaptation of the novel Q&A written by Vikas Swarup and has been meeting with rave reviews all over the globe. The film however will release on the 23rd of January in India.
Rahman said, 'I had actually said that I'll win the award for India even before the ceremony took place and that gave me sleepless nights. I am very happy to win the Golden Globe and would like to share it with all Indians and Tamils'.

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