Watch 'Raman Thediya Seethai' win gold

'Raman Thediya Seethai', a film under the banner of Moserbaer Entertainment and Global one studios production, was released last week and has acclaimed rave reviews and deemed as 'Autograph 2', a 2004 blockbuster of Cheran. The film revolves around the protagonist's quest to find an apt bride for him who has everything in life except a wife.
This clean, family entertainer directed by K.P.Jagannath attracts the audience of all age groups. An interesting contest has been designed by Moserbaer for the audience who come to watch the movie in cinema halls. The scheme of the contest is as follows: Anyone who has gone through the process of selecting a bride/groom more than twice has to narrate nearly in 1000 words about the experiences and incidents before their marriage. They also need to mention their most favorite scene in 'Raman Thediya Seethai'. 15 participants with interesting experiences will be short-listed and will be presented a sovereign of gold jewel. This contest is open till 18th October and the winners will be chosen by 31st October and the prizes will be distributed by 10th November. The contest forms are available at all theatres where 'Raman Thediya Seethai' shows are running.

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