Considering ‘Aayudha Pooja’ to be the auspicious day, the great hit making duo Vijayakanth-Vikraman will join hands after a long time. Yes, both of them together had churned out the greatest blockbuster titled ‘Vaanathai Pola’ before few years. However, Director Vikraman had to face the failures with his previous venture ‘Chennai Kadhal’ for it might have been too hard for him to deal with young peppy themes.
Followed by the grand success of Saroja, T. Siva of Amma Creations produces this film. Well, both T. Siva and Vijayakanth are so close friends as they have earlier worked together for many films.
In ‘Mariyaadhai’, Vijayakanth plays dual roles with Meera Jasmine and Meena in the female lead role. Vijay Antony scores music for the lyrics tuned by Pa. Vijay. Andrew cranks the camera while Rocky Rajesh would be choreographing for the stunts.
Followed by the grand success of Saroja, T. Siva of Amma Creations produces this film. Well, both T. Siva and Vijayakanth are so close friends as they have earlier worked together for many films.
In ‘Mariyaadhai’, Vijayakanth plays dual roles with Meera Jasmine and Meena in the female lead role. Vijay Antony scores music for the lyrics tuned by Pa. Vijay. Andrew cranks the camera while Rocky Rajesh would be choreographing for the stunts.
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