After the blockbuster victory of Billa, director Vishnuvardhan is currently working in Sarvam with Arya and Trisha in lead roles. It has been said that Trisha’s role has really shaped well in Sarvam and the film is slated to hit the screens soon. Meanwhile rumors were rife in the industry that Trisha and the director had a fall out during the shooting of the film. When
probed, it was understood that there was indeed some discordance related to the climax. As per the script, Trisha dies at the end of the film. But the actress was not too sure about this ending as a similar finale in Beema was not well received by the audience. However, the issue has apparently been settled amicably and the unit was found proceeding with their schedule as usual.
probed, it was understood that there was indeed some discordance related to the climax. As per the script, Trisha dies at the end of the film. But the actress was not too sure about this ending as a similar finale in Beema was not well received by the audience. However, the issue has apparently been settled amicably and the unit was found proceeding with their schedule as usual.
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