Lekha Rathnakumar is a film producer now

Famous ad filmmaker Lekha Rathnakumar, who has made numerous ad films with great film stars including Sneha and Jyotika, has finally touched the summit of media world; he will produce a full length featured film now.
Lekha Rathnakumar is going to shoot 70% of this film in USA and the rest in posh sets and locations in our country. So, what is the big difference it is going to make, you may ask! The difference, our dear friends, lies in the presentation and the visual appeal. Most of the Hollywood films appeal to us for they are exotic and grass is always greener on the other side! This gives them an edge in walking away with our hearts, while many good stories here fail even to make an impression! So, Lekha Rathnakumar has decided to give a love story, a completely different one at that, in the milieu that you like better!

The talented filmmaker had been to USA a few days ago to select locations virgin to cameras and sought the help from Film Lounge, the famous Hollywood line production/ film production house in USA in this regard. Owned by Anja Narholz – who is the wife of Gregor Narholz, the leading Hollywood and Sonoton music composer – the production house has taken special interest in the film since Lekha Rathnakumar is the co-founder of Lekha-Sonoton music library of Kollywood (Chennai).
Besides all this, Lekha is also about to set a new trend. He is going to make this film go public! In a way you could say that! The filmmaker has decided to share the production cost with any new entrepreneur interested in films! He is making an open offer to avid film lovers – anyone who is interested and has enough money can join him in producing this film and reap the benefits. Also, if the concerned person finds it uninteresting or loses faith in the project, he or she has all the rights to walk away from the project.

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