Meanwhile, RK has already moved ahead and finalized the heroine for his next film. RK has reportedly signed Madhurima, the hot and happening Telugu actress, who is one of the top actresses in Telugu along with Anushka & Ileana. The tall and picture-perfect Madhurima, as and when she makes her debut in Tamil films, could give a run for their money for the top actresses in Kollywood such as Trisha, Nayantara, etc.
RK would pair up opposite Madhurima in his next film titled ‘Kadamai Kanniyam Kattupadu’ to be directed by Shaji Kailash. The film is a remake of the popular Bollywood hit movie ‘Ab Tak Chappan’, which released a few years and starred the versatile Nana Patekar in the lead. The film based on the life of a popular ‘encounter specialist’ of the Mumbai police force.
RK had taken permission from ‘Ulaganayagan’ Kamal Haasan, who produced a film of the same title in the early nineties starring Sathyaraj in the lead, to have title for his film. RK plays a cop in the film. With Madhurimaa opposite him, selling off the film to the distributors won’t be much of a problem, for sure.
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