As per announced earlier in the Press Meet, Tamil Film Directors Association’s General Committee Election is scheduled to take place on 19th of June 2011.
I was honored to announce myself as the President Candidate and twelve successful Directors including Director Cheran and Janarthanan supported me with new Agendas.
In opposite our prestigious out-going President Director Mr. Bharathiraja stood with the support of Director Selvamani and his team. Yet considering the need of Unity among Directors and for the welfare of the Association have mutually come to an conclusion. Now Mr. Bharathiraja standing for the post of President and I’m standing for the post of General Secretary and Janarthanan for Managing Trustee with the same team and spirit of new Agendas and plans.
Our graceful Thanks to Director K.S. Ravi Kumar and P. Vasu for coordinating us and our team is bestowed to them forever. We start our Journey with the wishes and blessings of the Senior Directors.
Thanking you,
I was honored to announce myself as the President Candidate and twelve successful Directors including Director Cheran and Janarthanan supported me with new Agendas.
In opposite our prestigious out-going President Director Mr. Bharathiraja stood with the support of Director Selvamani and his team. Yet considering the need of Unity among Directors and for the welfare of the Association have mutually come to an conclusion. Now Mr. Bharathiraja standing for the post of President and I’m standing for the post of General Secretary and Janarthanan for Managing Trustee with the same team and spirit of new Agendas and plans.
Our graceful Thanks to Director K.S. Ravi Kumar and P. Vasu for coordinating us and our team is bestowed to them forever. We start our Journey with the wishes and blessings of the Senior Directors.
Thanking you,
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