Loose Mohan Lodged Complaint against Son

The actor put his son refuses to eat lusmokan Chennai Commissioner of Police and filed a complaint with tears.
Lusmokan actor has lived in Mylapore. Loose Mohan comes from the movie starring MGR. Appeared in hundreds of films.
This morning police commissioner police station, he met with the auto gave a complaint petition.
And, "My son, Karthik, in collusion with his wife refuses to put the food. Take action against him. I did not hear anything else. Munruvelai given enough food. Do not do anything else," he stated.
Alittuvittu veliyevantu lusmokan complaint said to reporters:
People who laugh in a movie that I never imagined that such a condition. I have 3 daughters, have a son Karthik. Daughters have married. Son is married and the child.
My wife, 2004 - the year is dead. I'm staying with my son. I put him to work at a newspaper office.
He comes home to his wife listened to the last 3 days. I do not get the food. Has reached the age of 2 in the morning, idli, idli dinner and only eat 2. It refuses to give up. I have owned the house. That's no problem to stay. If you give me just enough food to take care of my boy, "he said with tears.
He sent a complaint to the Commissioner, Mylapore police commissioner ordered the action.

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