Thuppaki, Mugamoodi and Masala Café’s shooting is stalled following the stand-off between the Producers’ Council and the FEFSI. With the pay issue between both these associations reaching its peak and there is a request for the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J Jayalalitha to interfere and solve it, shootings of several films have come to a standstill.
UTV’s CEO G Dhanajayan has said, “Shooting of our Tamil films Mugamoodi & Masala Cafe are stuck due to the strike. Hope a solution emerges soon as films are getting delayed.”
Murugadoss has said “Watchd NANBAN Vijay has given a rocking performance! can't wait to get back working with him soon...once the strike ends!”
UTV’s CEO G Dhanajayan has said, “Shooting of our Tamil films Mugamoodi & Masala Cafe are stuck due to the strike. Hope a solution emerges soon as films are getting delayed.”
Murugadoss has said “Watchd NANBAN Vijay has given a rocking performance! can't wait to get back working with him soon...once the strike ends!”
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