En Peyar Kumarasamy, a film directed by Rathan Chandrasekar, has newbie Ram and Bollywood actress Antara Biwas as the lead pair. V Dhashi has scored the music for this film. There are seven songs in En Peyar Kumarasamy out of which the director has penned a song that begins with the lyrics Vanapudai Magaleer…
This song has been recorded recently with actor-director Parthiban rendering it in the tune set by Dhashi. Speaking about this song, the film’s director said that he wanted Parthiban to render this song and when he went to meet him with the request, the star agreed immediately on hearing the lyrics. Rathan Chandrasekar, who has also penned the story, screenplay and dialogues of En Peyar Kumarasamy, says that he is thankful to Parthiban for rendering the song.
This song has been recorded recently with actor-director Parthiban rendering it in the tune set by Dhashi. Speaking about this song, the film’s director said that he wanted Parthiban to render this song and when he went to meet him with the request, the star agreed immediately on hearing the lyrics. Rathan Chandrasekar, who has also penned the story, screenplay and dialogues of En Peyar Kumarasamy, says that he is thankful to Parthiban for rendering the song.
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