Director Thangar Bachan, who was at the Vithagan audio launch, said that he was insulted by several producers after they saw Azhagi, the film that had Parthiban, Devyani and Nandita Das in the star cast. The film’s producer wanted to sell the film halfway and decided to showcase it to several producers who were interested in it.
But most of the top producers just insulted him and some others advised Azhagi’s producer to leave the film as it is and not to try and release it. However, the film was finally released and it went on to become a huge hit.
The director said that several top producers have been wrong in predicting a film’s success or failure at the box office and this proves that they are inexperienced in their own way.
But most of the top producers just insulted him and some others advised Azhagi’s producer to leave the film as it is and not to try and release it. However, the film was finally released and it went on to become a huge hit.
The director said that several top producers have been wrong in predicting a film’s success or failure at the box office and this proves that they are inexperienced in their own way.
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